Parents and Carers are valuable members of the wider school community, and are frequently involved at various levels in the school. Involvement may range from volunteering for Council or Canteen, sharing knowledge or expertise in the classroom, or joining one of the committees or teams that contribute to the school in a variety of ways.
All parents and carers are asked to contribute maintenance hours each term. Please log your maintenance hours for term 1 here by Tuesday, 8 April 2025.
Maintenance policy
Currambena families are asked to do some maintenance work for the school every term or pay a levy with their school fees. Maintenance can be carried out during the one or two Maintenance Days run by parents each term, or on an ad hoc basis in consultation with the maintenance coordinator. Please refer to the weekly newsletter for upcoming Maintenance Day dates.
Maintenance hours per family per term consist of:
5 hrs of building and grounds work which includes repairs and gardening
PLUS 5 hrs of any other assistance OR pay $30 levy per hour
- You can use all your maintenance hours on buildings and grounds work but not on 'other assistance'
- If you have an arduous role on Council you can negotiate with the maintenance coordinator not to do grounds work
- OTHER ASSISTANCE consists of:
- Classroom assistance, including excursions
- Being a rep on committee meetings
- Canteen and café assistance
- Preschool roster and washing (see Preschool section for details)
If your child attends Preschool part time, a pro rata arrangement is in place:
2 days
4hrs maintenance per family per term or $120 levy
3 days
6hrs maintenance per family per term or $180 levy
4 days
8hrs maintenance per family per term or $240 levy
5 days
10hrs maintenance per family per term or $300 levy
Recording your maintenance hours
To record your maintenance hours an honour system is in operation - please log your maintenance hours using the link here.
Important: As the maintenance levy is added to the subsequent term's fees, it is important that you record them in time. Make sure you have recorded your hours by the penultimate Tuesday of every term in order to avoid being billed. You will be billed if your hours are not recorded!
Letter from a parent
I first came across this amazing school whilst I was spending time at South Pacific Private Hospital.
Infertility and general life stresses put me there where, at the age of 35, I learned how to cope with the things that life was throwing at me. Things like; boundaries, feelings, having a voice, and resolving conflict etc.
In one of my sessions they showed a DVD of children as young as five learning and practicing these skills that were so foreign to me. I watched in awe!
When I was granted the gift of children in my 40’s I knew there was only one school for them – Currambena.
I’ve witnessed this with my own son who at the age of three was challenged by one of the teachers to check his reality “is it true what that kid said” & “how do you feel about that? Great lets go tell them” – together.
We have an open an honest relationship with our children, where we all matter, each of us have rights and if things need to be dealt with it’s done in a ‘non toxic’ way (most of the time).
My daughter who is three will start at Currambena next year and already her language and personality is developing.
I can’t save my kids from pain or life stresses as I would ultimately like to as a parent. What I do know is that I’m giving them the best I can from a very early stage in life where it will be automatic for them. My hope is that as their life progresses they will have the skills to cope and a voice to speak up if they want to.
Currambena is a community and the support is not only there for the children it’s for the adults as well. I have often asked questions and been listened to and spoken to in such a caring and loving way.
We travel 2 – 4 hrs every day and there is nowhere else we would rather be.