Hello everyone,
It’s been an eventful second week in preschool! On Monday, the children experienced the first canteen of the year. It was gorgeous to see their delight as they handled money to purchase food for morning tea and lunch. We also had our first music class with our new music teacher, Gemma. Those new to preschool are getting into the swing of group times, learning to be respectful of others and engage appropriately.
Tuesday was our first Buddies session. What we initially anticipated as an informal meeting turned into somewhat of a ceremony, with some preschool children choosing their buddies while everyone else enjoyed getting to know the school Elders.
On Wednesday, we had Spanish with Carolina, and on Thursday, craft with Vinnie. We’ve continued our Astronomy unit, which has naturally evolved into learning about volcanoes. This week, we focused mostly on stars.
On Friday, we introduced the children to ELLA Spanish on the iPads—a huge hit for everyone who had a turn!
A big thank you to everyone who attended Parent Information Night on Thursday. We hope you found it informative and gained greater insight not only into preschool but into Currambena as a whole.
That’s it for week two of the 2025 preschool year!
Lisa, Abi, and Katrina